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SEE Presents



Talent Name

Month XX, 20XX

Doors Open XX:XX PM | Event Starts XX:XXPM • Doors Close XXPM

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FREE for all UMD Students (Must have Valid Student I.D.) 

Event Description

description here

talent description

This is a ticketed event

{UMD community only}



Tickets are Required for Entry

Free of Charge

To attend this event, you need to reserve a ticket. Click the button below to launch the UMD tickets website.




Tickets may be bought at 


You may purchase ONE (1) UMD Community Ticket per UMD ID 


No reselling, transferring, or exchanging of any tickets will be permitted.



Please be aware that any recording or reproduction of this event is strictly prohibited.


Violations will be reported to applicable parties including, but not limited to, the Office of Student Conduct. 


If you are in need of any accommodations, please let us know at least TWO (2) weeks prior to the day of the event.

Please contact SEE Coordinator Abby Callas,



Any attempted disruption to software used to host this event, including but not limited to web-conferencing software, webpage hosting, or other platforms will not be tolerated. If any individual takes action that results in the event needing to end early, the responsible party may be held liable for any damages, financial or otherwise. All disruptive participants will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct (Code 10.d.4. “Engaging in disorderly or disruptive action that interferes with University or community activities, including but not limited to studying, teaching, research, and University administration”) or the appropriate campus entities and/or law enforcement.

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