Fall Poetry Night
Ft. Safia Elhillo
September 9, 2021
Doors open at 8:00pm
Event starts at 9:00pm
Event ends at 10:20pm
Please RSVP on Terplink
(Recommended but NOT required)
STAMP Atrium

and Tatiana Figueroa Ramirez
Covid 19 Guidelines
All individuals are required to remain masked at all times indoors. Failure to comply with campus COVID guidelines may result in removal from the event.

SEE welcomes you back to school at our annual poetry night. Come join us for a chill and intimate night celebrating the art of spoken word featuring nationally-acclaimed author and spoken word artist, Safia Elhillo. Openers include D.C.-based poet, Tatiana Figueroa Ramirez, and a UMD student performer.


Safia Elhillo is the author of The January Children (University of Nebraska Press, 2017), which received the Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets and an Arab American Book Award, Girls That Never Die (One World/Random House 2021), and the novel in verse Home Is Not A Country (Make Me A World/Random House, 2021). With Fatimah Asghar, she is co-editor of the anthology Halal If You Hear Me (Haymarket Books, 2019). She is currently a Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford University and lives in Oakland.
Tatiana Figueroa Ramirez graduated with a B.A. in English Literature and a minor in American Studies from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). She is a VONA/Voices Alumna having studied under award-winning poets Willie Perdomo and Danez Smith. Tatiana has been published in Queen Mob’s Teahouse, The Acentos Review, A Gypsy’s Library, and Here Comes Everyone among other publications. Tatiana is the author of Coconut Curls y Café con Leche.

To attend this event, SEE asks that you fill out an RSVP form.
This is not required but recommended. If you are unable to RSVP you can still walk in and enjoy!

Current campus guidance requires all unvaccinated guests to remain masked in crowded outdoor settings. All persons, regardless of vaccination status, are highly encouraged to mask in crowded outdoor spaces.
All individuals are required to remain masked at all times indoors. Failure to comply with campus COVID guidelines may result in removal from the event."
If you are in need of any accommodations, please let us know at least TWO (2) weeks prior to our event.
Please contact SEE's advisor David Bonilla-Ciferri at: dbonilla@umd.edu
Please be aware that any recording or reproduction of this event is strictly prohibited.
Violations will be reported to applicable parties including, but not limited to, the Office of Student Conduct.
Any attempted disruption to software used to host this event, including but not limited to web-conferencing software, webpage hosting, or other platforms will not be tolerated. If any individual takes action that results in the event needing to end early, the responsible party may be held liable for any damages, financial or otherwise. All disruptive participants will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct (Code 10.d.4. “Engaging in disorderly or disruptive action that interferes with University or community activities, including but not limited to studying, teaching, research, and University administration”) or the appropriate campus entities and/or law enforcement.